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Joystick Configuration for Emulator:
Player 1:
🠝, 🠟, 🠜, 🠞 and SPACE

About the Game:

This is a clone of the classic game Atlantis for Atari 2600 released by Imagic in 1982. I created this game to be published by Clube MSX Magazine and it was released in Gold Disk #4, the coverdisk that go along with issue 14.

It was developed in C language using SDCC and the ubox MSX lib. For writing code I used VS Code and for debbuging I used Emulicious alongside with the debugger extension for VS Code. For graphics I used Gimp and Krita and for music and sfx I used Arkos Tracker 2. Also, I used Tiled for helping with creation of the screens.

Source code and ROM available on GitHub
