Virtual Training for Electricians [2016]
A substation is one of the most critical facilities of the electrical distribution system, so it is mandatory to keep its normal operation to deliver high standards of service, power quality and avoid blackouts to consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to give an effective training to the electricians who will operate the equipment in the substation and to prepare them to face emergencies on daily basis. Virtual Training for Eletricians is an immersive virtual reality platform to provide a realistic experience to trainees in a safe environment where they can interact with equipment, explore the facility and, mainly, practice basic and complex maneuvers to recover substation operations. Users can interact with this Immersive Virtual Environment using HMDs, motion controllers, joysticks or even an ordinary keyboard, mouse and monitor.
In this project, I worked as a graphics software engineer in a four member team. I had the opportunity to work with some of state-of-the-art technologies like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Unreal Engine 4, motion controllers and biometrical sensors.
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Publications related to this work:
“Adoção de Realidade Virtual Imersiva para o Treinamento de Eletricistas em Subestações” (Portuguese) Juliana Paludo, Eduardo Tanaka, Leonardo Domingues, Carlúcio Cordeiro, Olavo Giraldi Jr. , Edgar Gadbem, Adriana Euflasino – Proceedings of SBAI 2015.
“Design de Interface de um Ambiente de Realidade Virtual Imersiva para o Treinamento de Eletricistas” (Portuguese) Eduardo Tanaka, Juliana Paludo, Leonardo Domingues, Carlúcio Cordeiro, Olavo Giraldi Jr. , Marcos Cascone, Edgar Gadbem, Adriana Euflasino – Proceedings of IHC 2015.
“Using Immersive Virtual Reality for Electrical Substation Training” Eduardo H. Tanaka, Juliana A. Paludo, Carlúcio S. Cordeiro, Leonardo R. Domingues, Edgar V. Gadbem and Adriana Euflausino – Proceedings of e-Learning 2015.
“Immersive virtual training for substation electricians.” Eduardo H. Tanaka; Juliana A. Paludo; Rafael Bacchetti; Edgar V. Gadbem; Leonardo R. Domingues; Carlúcio S. Cordeiro; Olavo Giraldi; Guilherme Alcarde Gallo; Adam Mendes da Silva; Marcos H. Cascone – Proceedings of IEEE VR 2017.
“Development of Immersive Virtual Reality Environment to Train Electricians to Work on Substations” Carlúcio Cordeiro, Juliana Paludo, Eduardo Tanaka, Leonardo Domingues, Edgar Gadbem, Adriana Euflausino – Proceedings of SVR 2015.